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    Here the future development of Neo can be discussed. This includes testing of features currently in development and feature requests.


    Heres something thats important: The profiler… When you start making your game, youll need to see where does the bottleneck is! As a start a render statistics display would be nice to have. The idea is to display on screen information about debug and performance, like show fps, draw-calls, objects on screen, triangles, etc. Heres an example -> http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/RenderingStatistics.html
    Neo-Maratis have a basic one, but seems unusable. Seeing the stats in real-time game window is preferable.


    A more flexible profiler is planned but with low priority. There are things that are more important (and difficult) to make that need more time and planning. There will be a better profiler but not right now.

    If you want you can always get the latest source code and write it yourself. If your code is clean and works it will be merged into the git repository.

    Please note that the program is not named “Neo-Maratis”. Neo is based on Maratis but it is not the same!


    Yeah, just asking. 🙂 I would code it myself, but im an artist… Right its not called Neo-Maratis, its the Neo-Editor. 🙂
    Are you planning for Navmesh too?


    Yes, navmeshes are in my personal plan. Just not for 1.0 yet. You see, I’m currently the only developer and I can’t do everything at once. I have all planned features for 1.0 on GitHub as an issue. Smaller features can be added to the list but they should not be too big. Navmeshes currently are.

    In the meantime you could look into a plugin Nistur wrote: https://github.com/nistur/MRecast
    I think basic AI will be in 2.0. Probably earlier in a smaller point release.

    The better profiler will be in 1.0 btw. since it is very useful for testing performance on Android.
    I think I will include it in 0.5. The 0.4 release will mostly contain new networking stuff and graphics features as well as particle system improvements. And initial support for publishing for web browsers using Emscripten.


    Yeah, all of this sounds like a cool features and i understand, that you are the only developer. So i dont want to sound like im pressing you. Just being on topic. Hope you make some money from the game engine work.


    You are not pressing me. It’s important to make suggestions!
    I don’t want to ignore these. That’s why I always try to explain why exactly something will not be done immediately. Don’t take it as some sort of offense! Keep on contributing. That’s the only way to improve.

    Thanks for your feedback. It is very helpful and appreciated!


    Sure np! The Webgl is interesting platform. I was thinking a log time, that you could make some money by creating some interactive software for Webgl 3d pages. Something like a Dreamweaver, where you build the 3d website by clicking and adjusting buttons and setting. I dont think, that there is a tool like that so far, but i dunno.


    You mean building a web page in a WYSIWYG environment? Or do you mean creating a game in a web-browser?

    There are already tools that allow you to create websites in your browser. For example 1&1 has such a service as well as Strato.

    What could be interesting is creating a scene editor for the web.


    Yeah, some editor, where you click and add some buttons and frames with no programming, making your website, but with added WebGL effects, anyway not to go away from the topic…


    I don’t know if it’s a good idea to build a webpage on WebGL since it is not very available at the moment. Yes, some browsers support it. Many don’t. And most of the time you do not need 3D graphics to present your content.

    I think HTML5 and CSS3 are enough to provide a feature rich web experience.
    But that’s not the main topic here 😀


    Well i believe, that the websites will become 3d interactive, thanks to Webgl. Back to topic: Do you plan to expand on the Material editor? Now its just a change the color settings, but no adding of textures. Made some video of goocreate for example Goocreate material edit


    Yes, the material editor should be expanded but UV mapping is way out of scope. Changing the applied textures and loading custom shaders are the things to add but I don’t think that it’s the purpose of Neo to go much further into modifying 3D meshes. There are better utilities for that (Blender :D).

    What would also be important is an import plugin for Blender so you can modify Maratis meshes without having to store a *.blend file somewhere. That would make the material editor much more useful since you can use the changes you made in Neo when continuing to work with Blender.


    Yea, good idea. Now if only Anael, would add the multiply slot, we could have some nice fake AO shadows.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by Akira_San.

    What other lua api functions are you planning to add, can i make a few in the issues?

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